الاثنين، 26 أبريل 2010

Mathematics in Ancient civilizations


mabye that the prehistoric people began to count first on the fingers. Also,they have a different of methods to record amounts and numbers of animals or the number of days by the moon.

In Eygpt about 3000 years BC. M. they used Decimal system that counting with out value.The ancient Egyptians were good engineering and developed formulas to find the volumes of some of the simple figures.

Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians

For Egyptian mathematics they calculations that how they can build the pyramids. Sexagesimal system Was developed by the ancient Babylonians in 2100 BC.

Mathematics definition

Mathematics is defined as the study of structure, space, and change.

Mathematical structures studied by athletes often return to the roots of natural sciences, especially physics, but the athletes are the definition and study of other structures for sporting purposes purely because these structures may provide a circular to other fields of mathematics, for example; or be a contributing factor in certain accounts; and finally, the athletes were considering specific fields of mathematics to her enthusiasm, considering that mathematics is an art and not a practical note.

Mathematics historical writing

The Babylonians Scribes 3000 years ago, practicing writing numbers and the calculation of benefits especially in the business in Babylon. The numbers and calculations are recorded over panels of clay by bamboo spire and then placed in the oven to dry.

Babylonians knew Addition and multiplication, subtraction and division. They did not use the decimal system witch increase the difficulty for them where they follow the sixtieth system, which consists of 60 symbol to denote the numbers from 1-60.

The ancient Egyptians developed that system in land survey after each flood to estimating taxes. Also they follow the decimal system based on units and a count of tens and hundreds. But they did not know zero. So they Write 500 by 5 Status symbols each icon reflect 100.

Arithmetic operations

Addition (+)
Addition is the basic operation of arithemetic.

Subtraction (−)
Subtraction is the opposite of addition.

Multiplication (×, ·, or *)
Multiplication is the second basic operation of arithmetic.

Division (÷ or /)
Division is essentially the opposite of multiplication

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